For puppies younger than 6 months of age.

In an effort to get your new family member off on the right “paw,” we have developed Puppy Wellness Packages to suit your dog’s individual lifestyle.

These groups of services and products are aimed at preventative care to keep your puppy healthy.  They also provide a cost savings to you compared to purchasing each service individually.

We look forward to providing your new puppy with the best health care now and in the years to come.

Feel free to discuss which package is right for your dog with our knowledgeable staff.

Talk with your veterinarian about the pricing of these packages:

Puppy asleep in woman's arms

City Slicker

For dogs who are living in an urban setting and are not exposed to other dogs, deer, or other wildlife.

This Package Includes:

Puppy on the beach

Great Outdoorsman

For dogs who spend time in the great outdoors. These dogs may be at higher risk of tick bites.

This Package Includes:

“Great Outdoorsman” includes the Lyme vaccine, to help decrease the risk and severity of Lyme disease.

In addition to the health benefits, this dog wellness package saves you 15% off the cost of the individual services. The cost of the package must be paid in full at the time of your puppy’s first visit.

Package BONUS:

By choosing to start your puppy's healthy life off right, you will receive $10 off of your pet's spay or neuter when performed at the Cheat Lake Animal Hospital.

Package Details: