All requests are reviewed during normal business hours and confirmed as quickly as possible. Submitting this form does not guarantee an appointment. This is a request of date and time only. If a response is not received within your required time period or if this is an emergency, please call us at (304) 594-1124. Appointment Request Form Client InformationFirst NameLast NameAddress Line 1Address Line 2CityStateZip CodeHome PhoneWork PhoneEmailPet InformationPet's NamePet's Species- Select -CatDogOtherIf "Other," Please Specify Pet's SpeciesPet's AgePet's BreedPet's ColorPet's Sex- Select -MaleMale - neuteredFemaleFemale - spayedServices RequestedWhat services would you like for your pet? Exam Vaccinations Dental Neuter/Spay Nail Trim OtherIf "Other," Please Specify Additional Services RequestedRequested Date for AppointmentRequested Time for Appointment- Select -9:00 am9:30 am10:00 am10:30 am11:00 am11:30 am12:00 pm12:30 pm1:00 pm1:30 pm2:00 pm2:30 pm3:00 pm3:30 pm4:00 pm4:30 pm (NOT AVAILABLE SAT)5:00 pm (NOT AVAILABLE FRI OR SAT)5:30 pm (NOT AVAILABLE FRI OR SAT)6:00 pm (NOT AVAILABLE FRI OR SAT)Requested Veterinarian- Select -No PreferenceDr. Jean MeadeDr. Jesse FallonDr. Chuck WolfeDr. Raye KlarerDr. Kim LeidlDr. Becky LeapDr. Laura MeansDr. Marjorie RosmarinCommentsPayment is required on the day services are provided. We accept cash, checks, VISA, MasterCard, and Discover. If you have concerns about your charges, please request an estimate prior to receiving services or call (304) 594-1124.Appointment requests should be made 24 hours in advance. Appointments are not scheduled until confirmed by Cheat Lake Animal Hospital. How should we contact you to confirm your appointment?- Select -E-mailHome PhoneWork PhoneSubmit Form